Everyone Has a Story to Tell

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Enlightening 150 Minutes on the Road

“Every time when a stranger on the street who passes a generous smile, it  gives me hope that there are so many people who appreciate diversity.” “What is your strongest memory from the years you have spent away from your homeland?” “I can’t forget the day when I understood what racism actually means. That was the day when I have faced it and years passed on but that day is still stuck in my memory line”. Abdullah left Iraq when he was 15 and now he is doing random jobs for his living in the UK and to support his

The Special Bond

The Special Bond

“What are you doing?” While still walking he responded “My dog has lost his way back to home due to the snowfall and spent the whole night outside, so I am taking him back home” (Neelum, Kashmir)

Girl from the Mountains

Girl from the Mountains

“Yes, I go to the school.” The little girl nod on my question. Her brother joined in the photo frame, when I asked for photo consent from their mother. “You must be cold, tired and hungry, come and have something to eat and sit in front of the woodfire.” Their mother offered all this to me with love on a freezing day I was rambling. (Neelum, Kashmir)

Symbols of Struggle and Strength

Symbols of Struggle and Strength

I asked myself “How precious water can be for many who don’t have access to clean drinking water?” I wish I would have stopped to get an answer from this women who is carrying water pot on her head which I spotted during my journey into a desert which is unsafe to be a child or women. (Tharparker, Pakistan)


Desert Warrior

After having conversation about the hardships of living in a deadly desert, he stopped talking and turned around to gave this glance. “Why you have chose to live in a desert with full of hardships”, I asked him. It took him a while to gather his thoughts and then said: “we are living here for generations and do not have enough resources to move towards places where there is an easy access to drinking water and other basic facilities.” (Tharparker, Pakistan)

Shared Moments in Nepal

Shared Moments

“Hello everyone, do you want to see our group selfie?” It was that moment when asked this question and the next moment everyone was trying to spot themselves in a group selfie which I took seconds ago. (Rautahat, Nepal)